- Õpikud/Noodilehed
- Klahvpillid
Klassikaline kitarr
- 1/4 klassikalised kitarrid
- 1/2 klassikalised kitarrid
- 3/4 klassikalised kitarrid
- 7/8 klassikalised kitarrid
- Täismõõdus klassikalised kitarrid
- Vasakukäelised klassikalised kitarrid
- Klassikalise kitarri komplektid
- Võimendid akustilistele kitarridele
- Kotid ja kohvrid
- Keeled
- Rihmad
- Kitarristatiivid
- Häälestajad
- Kapod
- Toolid
- Varuosad
- Lisatarvikud
- Kaablid
- Western kitarr
- Elektrikitarr
- Ak. basskitarr
- Basskitarr
- Erinevad kitarrid
- Mandoliin
- Bandžo (banjo)
- Ukulele
- Guitalele
- Kontrabass
- Tšello
- Viiul
- Vioola
- Balalaika
- Erinevad keelpillid
- Võimendid ja efektid
- Keeled
- Lisatarvikud
Klassikaline kitarr
Trummid ja löökpillid
- Löökpillide komplektid
- Marakad
- Sheikerid
- Kastanjetid
- Kellamängud
- Löökpillid lastele
- Laulvad kausid
- Bongod
- Congad
- Djembed
- Stompbox
- Cajonid
- Käsitrummid
- Trianglid
- Tuulekellad
- Kalimbad
- Tamburiinid
- Muud löökpillid
- Lisatarvikud laulvatele kaussidele
- Agogod
- Lehmakellad
- Guirod
- Cajoni harjad
- Lööpillide kellad
- Cajoni kott
- Akustilised trummid
- Elektroonilised trummid
- Tongue trummid
- Rivitrummid
- Raamtrummid
- Darbuka
- Hang
- Gong
- Tam Tamid
- Rütmipillid
- Erinevad trummid
- Õppeinstrumendid
- Trummitoolid
- Trummipulgad ja nuiad
- Tam-Tamide ja gongide lisatarvikud
- Statiivid
- Trummide raudvara
- Orffi instrumendid
- Puhkpillid
- PA ja stuudio helitehnika
- Traditsionaalsed instrumendid
Meditatsioon ja muusikateraapia
- Võimendid ja efektid
- Kotid ja kohvrid
- Keeled
- Mikrofonid ja kõrvaklapid
- Statiivid
- Toolid
- Lisatarvikud
- Varuosad
- Kaablid
- Rihmad
- Kinkekaart
- Meist
- Kontakt
- Eraõpetajad
- Järelmaks
- Kinkekaart
Teie külastuse optimeerimiseks kasutame me enda kodulehel küpsiseid. Valides „Nõustun“ nõustute meiepoolse küpsiste kasutamisega.

- Õpikud/Noodilehed
- Klahvpillid
- Keelpillid
- Klassikaline kitarr
- 1/4 klassikalised kitarrid
- 1/2 klassikalised kitarrid
- 3/4 klassikalised kitarrid
- 7/8 klassikalised kitarrid
- Täismõõdus klassikalised kitarrid
- Vasakukäelised klassikalised kitarrid
- Klassikalise kitarri komplektid
- Võimendid akustilistele kitarridele
- Kotid ja kohvrid
- Keeled
- Rihmad
- Kitarristatiivid
- Häälestajad
- Kapod
- Toolid
- Varuosad
- Lisatarvikud
- Kaablid
- Western kitarr
- Elektrikitarr
- Ak. basskitarr
- Basskitarr
- Erinevad kitarrid
- Mandoliin
- Bandžo (banjo)
- Ukulele
- Guitalele
- Kontrabass
- Tšello
- Viiul
- Vioola
- Balalaika
- Erinevad keelpillid
- Võimendid ja efektid
- Keeled
- Lisatarvikud
- Klassikaline kitarr
- Trummid ja löökpillid
- Orffi instrumendid
- Puhkpillid
- PA ja stuudio helitehnika
- Traditsionaalsed instrumendid
- Meditatsioon ja muusikateraapia
- Võimendid ja efektid
- Kotid ja kohvrid
- Keeled
- Mikrofonid ja kõrvaklapid
- Statiivid
- Toolid
- Lisatarvikud
- Varuosad
- Kaablid
- Rihmad
- Kinkekaart
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Uued tooted
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Võimendi Nux Mighty-20BT
Võimendi Nux Mighty-20BT
Mighty 20 BT is the perfect amplifier for home
It emulates the sound of a number of other amplifiers in a single package and it has a lot of useful built-in effects as well. Loud enough to rock your party or you can keep it silent for practicing guitar only.
digital amplifier 20 watt - 8" speaker - DSP - tuner, 8 drive modes, 3-band EQ, mobile control
Great Experience of Musical Sounds
Mighty 20 BT has 4 channels and each channel has 2 sound presets, and each preset offers one of the well-known amplifiers’ characteristic sound - in short, you will have 8 amps inside. You can get the real taste of different musical sounds and playing styles.
9 Variety of Digital Effects
3 effects can be combined simultaneously. You can engage a mod effect, delay, and reverb at the same time. There are 3 types of modulation effects, 3 types of reverb and delay effects.
User Friendly Smart Design
Drive sounds, digital effects and all other function controls can be easily operated by Mighty 20 BT’s user-friendly interface.
You can tweak a variety of different sounds from different music styles and save as a preset, and you can recall anytime with a single click. NUX Mighty 20 BT Digital Modeling Amplifier is also featured with a precise tuner, and 3 band equalizer. The amp has both a headphone output and an aux in. This allows you to practice along with any music player as well as practice in silence.
NUX Mighty APP
You can connect your mobile phone to Mighty 20 BT via the Bluetooth and play along with your favorite music.
We also developed a mobile application to control Mighty 20 BT amplifier with your smart phone. You can switch the amp's channels and control the Gain, Level and Tone parameters. Choose any effect you want and adjust the parameters. You can control everything, and there are more functions including some application exclusive features.
For example; you can a select Delay or Reverb and you can adjust the Mix and Repeat parameters on the amplifier's panel. And with the mobile APP; you can choose one of the three types of Delay effects and you can reach the Repeat, Mix and Time parameter controls (and the mobile TAP TEMPO) AND there are also three types of Reverb effects, you can control the Decay and Mix parameters. Plus, you can control the drum machine as well.
There are 3 modulation effects and a noise gate, and we added a backing track library for your jam, but don't forget, the internet is the biggest backing track library. You can find everything you need for improving your guitar skill or jamming. Mighty 20 BT provides the musical sound that will keep you playing for countless hours.
Each preset can be customized, and you can save the presets to personalize your amp with your very own sounds.
20 Watt Output
1 x 8-inch speaker
4 Channels (Clean, Overdrive, Metal, Lead) Each channel has 2 presets
Gain and Level controls, 3-band EQ (Bass - Mid - High) and Master Volume
18 Variety of effects (Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo, Vibe, Delay, and Reverb)
3 types of Reverb and 3 types of Delay
3 Effects can be activated at the same time (Mod - Delay - Reverb)
3.5mm Aux Input, Headphone Output